
Tekst prijave

I’m a paying customer on the campsite and today I was chased away from the sea with the explanation that they were allowed to do that. It is already expensive to be here, but not to be able to swim freely seems a little bit over the top. And, there is no boundaries for swimmers. So, no safety whatsoever. Also, I forgot to mention the jetskies going not slow enough. Obviously, our hosts, Maistra, are praying that nothing bad happens. Totally disrespectful and amateurish. For sure, won’t be back here ever. A bad review will be written on every platform that I can think of and there is also word of mouth. Poor, poor, poor. Someone got bribed for sure.


  1. Maistra d.d.
    Maistra d.d.26. listopada 2023. 09:04

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